Fetal Development Month 9

This is it! In your ninth month of fetal development, baby can now be considered full term at around 8 pounds and 19 to 21 inches. Baby starts putting on that baby fat that will make for such cute pictures and with all body systems go, your blinking, sucking, breathing little one descends head first into your pelvis getting ready for the big day.

Week 36: All Systems Go

Check out baby’s weight at around 6 pounds, while growth will have slowed down to around 20 inches still. Fat deposits will have rounded out baby’s face, and baby’s sucking muscles get ready to work. All of baby’s body systems are about ready to support baby through life, all except the digestive system which is still hooked up to baby’s umbilical cord.

Week 37: Full Term Baby

This week, baby can now be considered full term. By now baby will be around 6 ½ pounds with more fat deposits making those chubby little arms and legs and those sweet little folds on the neck, wrists, arms, and thighs. Baby continues inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking on baby’s thumb, blinking, and shifting around in your tummy.

Week 38: Working Brain and Nervous System

Baby now weighs almost 7 pounds with a better functioning brain and nervous system as rapid development takes place every day. Baby starts shedding both lanugo and vernix, at the same time more surfactant is produced to help prevent baby’s lungs from sticking together when baby starts breathing.

Week 39: More Antibodies from Placenta

You’re almost there. Baby is about 7 ½ pounds and pushing 21 inches, though babies differ from one to another slightly at birth. Baby now has enough fat under the skin to keep warm with a little help from mommy. The placenta continues to provide antibodies for baby, and additional antibodies will be available to your little one if you breastfeed. Baby’s skin turns from pink to white, and will only change to its final color after birth which is when pigmentation starts. If you’re finding it difficult to walk, it’s because baby’s head is now right at your pelvis.

Week 40: Congratulations!

Baby is about 7 to 8 pounds and between 19 to 21 inches, and raring to go. Still, babies do get born a week or two earlier or later than their due date, just as some of them do get out right on schedule. At birth, baby will be in a comfortable fetal position still, spreading out little by little as the months go by, and baby will recognize the sound of your voice and dad’s voice as you say hello to your newborn.


Murkoff, Heidi and Sharon Mazel. What to Expect When You're Expecting. Workman Publishing Company, Inc. 2008

The Mayo Clinic. "Fetal Development." www.mayoclinic.com

The Westside Pregnancy Clinic. "Fetal Development." www.wpclinic.org

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