Fetal Development: Month 2

This is the second month of fetal development, where baby's heart begins to beat and baby's facial features begin to form. Read on for more exciting developments on your tiny little one.

Week 5: In a Heartbeat

By the 21st day, baby’s tiny heart may begin to beat. Though you may not hear it yet, you may be able to see baby’s heart beating in an ultrasound. This is because baby’s circulatory system is taking prime importance this week, as it is the first system of all the body’s functions to be operational in the second month of fetal development. The neural tube which will become baby’s brain and spinal cord is also fast developing.

Week 6: And Now the Face

Here’s the time when baby’s facial features begin to form. Jaws, cheeks, and chin, openings for mouth and ears, even tiny dots for eyes and a little bump for the nose will begin to develop. At month 2 of fetal development, baby grows to about 1/8th inch long, possibly even to 1/4th inch. When doctors give you measurements for baby in utero, it’s usually a crown (head) to rump (bottom) measurement only. This is because baby’s legs are curled up in front, making it difficult to get fully accurate measurements. Now that baby’s circulatory system has begun to develop, baby’s digestive and respiratory systems now begin to form, with kidneys, liver, and lungs all in place and growing. Baby’s connective tissue, ribs, and muscles will also begin to form along the midline, with small buds that will become baby’s arms and legs becoming more prominent.

Week 7: Connection

As baby’s face continues to develop, baby’s mouth and tongue become more defined, baby’s eyes begin to develop a retina and lens, and baby’s head will show developing hair follicles. The umbilical cord that connects baby to you becomes clearly visible, and baby begins to develop a distinct blood type from yours. Baby’s kidneys are now in place and can start the business of waste management. Baby’s arm and leg buds develop into paddle like formations and divide into hand, arm, and shoulder segments, as well as into foot, knee, and leg segments. Baby’s major muscle groups also begin to develop, and baby is able to move. And all this while your baby grows to about 1/3 of an inch long - a long way from being the size of a period on a page to being about the size of the top of a pencil eraser.

Week 8: 150 Beats per Minute

Baby’s heart starts pumping away at 150 beats per minute, twice as fast as your own heart rate. Baby starts little twitches of the trunk and those tiny paddle limbs, which by the way are starting to form more discernible, though still webbed, fingers and toes, as well as wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles. Baby’s face shows more development in eyelids that begin to form, ears, upper lip, and nose. At the end of month two of fetal development, baby is now about ½ inch and moves from the embryonic stage to the fetal stage.


Murkoff, Heidi and Sharon Mazel. What to Expect When You're Expecting. Workman Publishing Company, Inc. 2008

The Mayo Clinic. "Fetal Development." www.mayoclinic.com

The Westside Pregnancy Clinic. "Fetal Development." www.wpclinic.org

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